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Membership Committee

The primary role of the Membership Committee is to organize and implement strategies for welcoming in new members, integrating, engaging, and connecting them into the community as well as retaining existing members.  Bonnie & Ellis D  co-chair this committee and are very happy to welcome new volunteers.   The Membership committee reaches out to our members, makes calls to invite members of JCo to events, and organizes our High Holidays’ registration to include ushering and greeters.  We consider belonging to JCo an honor and a gift and are always looking for additional volunteers.  Please contact either Bonnie or Ellis or write to if you would like to serve on this vital committee.


Marketing Committee

The Marketing Committee focuses on external marketing efforts to share JCo’s vision and mission, as well on those activities that help to identify and engage with potential members. If you are interested in helping, please email


Finance Committee

The Finance Committee develops financial/business policies; provides business guidance to the organization; manages the membership billing process; disburses funds involved in the routine operation of JCo; oversees and reports on revenues and expenses; provides summaries and reports to Board members as well as to other committees as needed; and reports to the Board of Directors at the monthly board meetings which are open to all members.  If you need to contact Finance, please write to Corey M at


Website Committee

The Website Committee builds and maintains our website. If there is a change that should be made, please send an email to  Mort Albert takes all of the incredible photos that fill our gallery.  Currently, Corey M is the default web master.  If you have any talents or interests regarding WordPress, please contact Judy at


Events Committee

JCo members love spending time together and The Events Committee is charged with planning and implementing all JCo’s social functions, assisting other committees in planning and coordination of their programs, and assisting with High Holiday services and programs. We plan functions that have become JCo’s annual traditions including our second-night Passover Seder, Purim carnival, Animal Blessing Day, Chai Tea, Anniversary Party, Open Houses, High Holiday Rosh Hashanah Oneg, and Yom Kippur Breakfast.  Every few years we also hold the Great JCo Garage Sale. Ilona S is the Chair of Events and works with a dedicated group of volunteers who have all become close friends.  We continually welcome new members.  There are enough of us to provide all the talent, time and treasure needed for each event and for us to be self-sustainable. Each event requires careful planning and preparation as well as other volunteers who help set up and clean up.  Following all services, one of us sets up and provides Friday Oneg dessert (Nancy M) and Saturday bagel lunch (Ilona S). If you would like to join the Events Committee or be on a list of volunteers who can help every so often,  please contact Ilona S at


Prayer & Ritual Committee

The Prayer & Ritual Committee creates the prayer packets we use for Shabbat and the High Holidays. As a post-denominational congregation, our services encompass several elements from the various denominations’ prayers and customs, aiming to create services that are meaningful and accessible to all of us with a mix of the familiar and new, the traditional and contemporary, with transliterations and translations of all Hebrew prayers and readings.  Our services are a dynamic, ever-changing mix of prayers, songs, discussions, experiences and our Torah is taken out as often as is permissible.  Eva-Lynn D leads this group and can be contacted at


Cultural Programs Committee

We created this committee to address a particular community need for those who identify more as cultural and less as religious Jews.  The Cultural Programs Committee brings a variety of programming to JCo hoping to attract unaffiliated Jews who call San Diego home. Our cultural programs are oriented toward either entertainment or education. Some have a Jewish perspective or an explicit focus on a Jewish topic, while others do not.   We have enjoyed regular concerts such as chamber music and jazz ensemble. The charge is minimal and used exclusively for honoraria and meal expenses.   Larry G leads this committee and welcomes new ideas and new participants. If interested, please contact Larry Gach at .


Tikkun Olam Committee

With hopes to attract other JCo members who feel strongly about our obligation as Jews to continually repair our world. Many Jews identify themselves as nonreligious but remain very committed to social action and justice. Are you interested in doing more as a Jewish community to make our cities and towns, our nation and our world a better and more just place? Are you interested in engaging with various other organizations in Tikkun Olam projects? If so, please contact


JCo Cares Committee (aka Hineini)

JCo Cares is an essential committee of the Board.  JCo Cares connects with members through the concepts of loving kindness and service.  Its purpose is to strengthen the bonds of friendship and community as we help one another in times of need. JCo Cares comes from Hineni, meaning, “Here I am”.  Dana A has led this most important effort with grace and sensitivity.  Should you need someone to talk to, reach out to JCo Cares; should you have an illness or a circumstance in your family when meals are needed, think of JCo Cares; if you need transportation,  JCo Cares will assist you; and should you have a death in your family and need a minyan, JCo Cares is here.  Anyone interested in being there for our members at times of stress, illness or other crises,  please reach out to Dana A at 

Jewish Collaborative of San Diego

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©2023 by Jewish Collaborative of San Diego.

Created with Love

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